Hope in soap: handmade soap donated to Whipps Cross | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Hope in soap: handmade soap donated to Whipps Cross

As a way of saying ‘thank you’ and to support those who need it most, Soapsmith have gifted bars of luxury hand-made soap to staff at Whipps Cross Hospital. For every bar of soap they sold during their campaign, they donated a bar to an NHS hero.

Soapsmith said “It goes without saying that NHS workers, whether they be doctors, nurses, carers, cleaners or management, are all incredible people. They work around the clock to help in every way they can and, now more than ever, is our time to appreciate the work they do.”

Whipps Cross Hospital is the local hospital to Soapsmith HQ and holds a place in Founder, Samantha Jameson’s heart.

At the end of their campaign, they had donated 719 bars of soap to 719 NHS superstars – that’s £7190 worth of soap!


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