Local MP recognises hospital’s vital work in supporting victims of knife crime | Our news

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Local MP recognises hospital’s vital work in supporting victims of knife crime

Rushanara Ali with members of the hospital's trauma team

The Royal London Hospital is the busiest Major Trauma Centre in Europe, treating 3,500 patients a year and playing a crucial role in responding to London’s major incidents. 

On Friday (17 May), we welcomed local MP for Bethnal Green and Bow Rushanara Ali to meet the teams who provide lifesaving care, rehabilitation, and social support for young victims of knife crime.

Our award-winning violence reduction service sees hospital staff, case workers from Tower Hamlets Council and the charity St Giles Trust helping young patients injured through knife crime while they are still being treated in the hospital, to break the cycle of violence at the point of crisis.

The team works with victims to unravel the complex social reasons behind knife crime and offers holistic support to help prevent further harm. It has had incredible success in reducing retaliation and violent reoffending in this group of vulnerable young people – from a readmittance rate of 25% to just 4%.

As well meeting with our hospital chief executive, Neil Ashman and team of clinical consultants, Rushanara heard from the community safety team who work in our emergency department to provide a critical link for vulnerable hospital patients with social care services, the voluntary and community sector and the local community. This provides a framework of wrap around support.

Speaking on the visit, Rusharana said:                   

It was fantastic to meet the Royal London Hospital team and learn how they work with the police, charities and local government to safeguard and support young people. Their model of multi-agency working is absolutely critical to tackling and reducing knife crime in the capital.

During the visit Rushanara also toured our children’s department, where she met with divisional leads to learn about our specialist neonatal care services.

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