Beginning your career

Through excellent education, training and development opportunities, we will support you to develop a career that’s unique to you. 

Healthcare Horizons

We offer a dedicated programme for young people

Wanting to start a career in the NHS

Our highly regarded Healthcare Horizons programme enables young people and students to learn more about prospective careers in healthcare and to access employment within the NHS. The programme was recently recognised by the British Medical Association.

We offer virtual work experience, pre-employment training, and can also support years 10-13 at schools.

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Healthcare Horizons

Improving the lives of local people

To reduce inequalities

Being in good work improves people's overall physical and mental health and supports quality of life; good health enables people to work, creating a virtuous cycle.  

Community Works for Health has made a significant impact on enhancing the lives of local people experiencing deprivation and inequalities as recognised by the Royal College of Physicians Journal

International Medical Graduates  

We Support and Welcome Our International Medical Graduates  

We have a diverse and international workforce and today, over a third of the doctors registered in the UK gained their primary medical qualification overseas. At Barts Health, we serve ethnically diverse communities across East London and extend a warm welcome to all International Medical Graduates where their diversity of skills and experience are invaluable in serving our patients.   

Our International medical graduate's induction handbook provides information to help you settle into life in the UK and into Barts Health.  We also have an induction programme that was built specifically for IMGs to support your entry into the UK Clinical Practice, the NHS and Barts. Please see a draft outline of the programme below.

Healthcare Horizons - What we offer

Our offering to schools and colleges

We currently work with 37 secondary schools and colleges within the boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Newham, Hackney and Waltham Forest offering a wide range of activities such as career events, parents’ engagement sessions, work experience, online mentoring and virtual work experience platforms.  

You can find a list of participating schools below.

List of participating schools [docx] 433KB

We are also working in partnership with Newham College to encourage more young people to work for the NHS. To do so, we have set up Barts Health Futures Hub, a training facility for health care and life sciences at the Stratford campus of Newham College.  

To enquiry about our Healthcare Horizons programme, or for further information, you can get in touch with the team or visit our Twitter

Pre-employment training programme for 16-30-year-olds 

Our pre-employment training programme provides eligible 16-30-year-olds the opportunity to access entry-level jobs and apprenticeship vacancies at Barts Health, as well as the wider health sector. Successful candidates will also benefit from a talent pool. Most of the jobs available will be within administration or Healthcare Support roles. 

If you are interested in applying and meet the eligibility criteria, please email your CV indicating the cohort number to the healthcare careers team. You must be available for the information day, at least one day in the interview week and attend all training dates in the specified cohort (9am-5pm). 

 Those eligible will be invited to an information and assessment day, and successful candidates will be selected following a short interview.  






13th November 2023 

20th - 24th November 2023 

4th - 15th December 2023 


29th January 2024

5th - 9th February 2024

19th February - 1st March 2024


18th March 2024

25th - 28th March 2024

15th - 26th April 2024

We also accept referrals from employment partners, so please get in touch if you would like to work with us. 

Work experience

Due to high demand, we are unable to accept requests from individual students. All our work experience placements are offered directly to schools and colleges participating in the Healthcare Horizons programme. If you are attending one of the participating schools please speak to your Careers Advisor to log your request.  

Virtual work experience platform 

We are aware that many young people struggle to gain relevant work experience in the health sector due to a limited number of placements and age restrictions. This platform has been developed to give young people valuable insight into the work our heroes do to achieve the best patient outcomes. 

The platform offers interactive courses, webinars, podcasts and live sessions and you can access this space by creating an account.  


Our free online mentoring platform has many great features and will allow you to connect with a mentor for a maximum of 12 weeks. It can be accessed on many different devices including on your smartphone and you can create a profile via this link

The platform is currently open to students attending one of our participating schools.


Community Works for Health – What we offer

Pre-employment training programme for 16-30-year-olds

Project SEARCH

Award-winning Project SEARCH, a partnership between a host business, education & adult supported employment with the primary objective to secure full-time, paid employment for people with learning disabilities. The goal is to provide on-site internship experiences, helping young adults with learning disabilities to acquire the necessary skills to gain competitive employment through a 33-week placement.  

The Trust was initially approached by Whitefield Academy Trust School which partnered with Hornbeam Academy Trust school in Walthamstow to facilitate the establishment of a Project Search scheme for its students with placements in Whipps Cross Hospital. The scheme has been expanding to include other major sites within Barts Health NHS Trust which include Newham General Hospital, Mile End Hospital and St Barts Hospital.  This has meant more employment and training opportunities for young people with learning disabilities across the east London patch. The project now provides internships for over 30 new learners annually.  

For further information please drop an email to: 

Community Works for Health 

Approximately 60-80 per cent of health and wellbeing is attributable to the social determinants of health. Employment is one of the key determinants. There is an inherent and reciprocal link between health and work. Being in good work with fair pay and conditions improves people’s overall physical and mental health and supports quality of life; good health enables people to work, creating a virtuous cycle. 

Through inclusive employment and targeted activities, Barts Health has made a significant impact on enhancing the lives of local people experiencing deprivation and inequalities, supporting economic and social recovery and levelling up. The Community Works for Health programme offers a pathway into Barts Health jobs at B2-3 through pre-employment opportunities open to local people. 

Community Works for Health Pathway

CWfH supports the local economy by increasing the employability of local people through training, coaching and placements so they can secure Band 2 to 3 positions at Barts Health and other NHS agencies. Band 2 to 3 roles include healthcare/clinical support roles and roles within clinical and corporate administration.  

The CWfH offer is a systematic response to the workforce needs of Barts Health whilst meeting the needs of the local economy by recruiting from deprived communities in core east London areas – the London boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest. It recognises that employment and improved skills are linked to improved health outcomes. 

NHS Opportunities Days and local partnership

These are open days that take place in partnership with key employment stakeholders in east London that allow local residents to be assessed for their readiness for employment in the Trust. It includes tests in English and Maths.  Candidates who are not yet ready are directed to further support whilst those who are assessed as ready are signposted to the Talent Pool.   

Talent Pool

Through local east London partners, a Talent Pool approach is made available to local people for regular Band 2-3 vacancies. After passing the assessment for English and Math, successful candidates complete a two-week employability course and a work placement (if necessary) to develop an understanding and introduction to the NHS workplace. Candidates are then invited to join a Talent Pool which offers early and direct access to vacancies in Bands 2-3 roles when they become available. The Trust recruits over 100 new starts annually from east London. 

The programme recruits an average of 100 people every year, and since launching in 2012 has helped employ over 1,000 local residents. 

If you live in the City of London, Tower Hamlets, Newham or Waltham Forest are interested in the programme and would like to attend an information day please send a CV with your post code to our team.  

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