Thank you Barts Health

Moments that matter

Share your thanks with our staff

We know that many of our patients and families want to share messages and say ‘thank you’ to the staff who cared for them whilst they were in hospital. It means so much to us to hear how our patients are recovering, and moving on with txheir lives. 

We want to give our patients and their families a chance to share a message, a photo or even a video with the team who cared for them, in a different but still very personal way. These messages can really help raise staff morale and bring a lot of joy and satisfaction to know their hard work has made a difference.

If you would like to share a message with the team or individual staff member who cared for you, please accept our terms and conditions below. You can also provide a photograph, video or audio with your message if you wish.

Read our appropriate use policy

By using this messaging system you understand and accept that:

  • This platform is to submit messages of thanks to your healthcare team, positive feedback or an update of how you are getting on after discharge. This platform is not designed to manage complaints or issues encountered during your admission. If you wish to make a complaint, this can be done through our Patient Advice and Liason Service (PALS).
  • Submitted message will be triaged by a moderator. If the message is deemed inappropriate due to offensive language or content it will not be published. You will receive a notification to inform you of this. If it is felt your message is a complaint or raises a concern, the moderator has the right to forward your message to PALS team for review.
  • This platform is not designed to respond to clinical queries or medical emergencies. By submitting a message through this portal you are not expecting any direct response from your clinical team and that this is a ‘one-way’ communication portal only. Should you have any clinical queries or questions about your health, please consider using alternative services such as calling 111, liasing with your GP or the emergency services if this is appropriate.
  • After moderator review, appropriate messages will be shared with staff via the Barts Health intranet. This data is held securely and encrypted in compliance with GDPR legislation, and is only accessible by approved administrators and accredited staff within the trust. Your personal details will not be shared, unless explicit permission is given by you. The terms of use for staff will state that this content is confidential and not intended for review by any individual outside the healthcare team however by submitting a message you accept that the message is at potential risk of being shared more widely.
  • The moderator has the right to make minor edits only that are felt to help it to reach the appropriate staff members (e.g. inserting Ward numbers) or remove any superfluous or inappropriate comment. This final version will be emailed back to the uploader for review. You will have the right to remove the uploaded message from the staff portal page at any time.

A message of thanks

I owe my miraculous recovery to the team at Barts who looked after during the toughest moments of my life. I will be eternally grateful to the team who gave me a 2nd lease on life. Thank you for the amazing care you have given me x