Barts Health Heroes Awards

Barts Health Heroes Awards
How do I nominate?

How do I nominate?

Show you care by completing a short form

Tell us in up to 150 words why the team or person made a difference to you.

We welcome nominations from patients, relatives, carers, members of the public, staff, and volunteers. We cannot accept self-nominations or nominations for yourself in someone else's name without their permission.

Complete a short form

Email us

To give your nominee the best chance of winning an award, follow these simple steps [docx] 366KB

Nominations are open all year round and run from 1 October – 30 September.  All nominees will be informed of their nomination. Finalists will be invited to the evening February awards ceremony.

Our award categories

We recognise teams and individuals

That make a positive impact on the experiences of our patients and colleagues

Individual categories

  • Living our values: someone demonstrating our WeCare values in everything they do
  • Patients’ choice: nominated by a patient, carer, or member of the public for giving excellent care or enhancing the patient’s experience.
  • People’s choice: nominated by colleagues for going above and beyond.
  • Rising star: an exceptional person who has made an impact.
  • WeLead: a compassionate leader who motivates and influences others.

Team categories

  • Living our values: a team demonstrating our WeCare values in everything it does
  • Innovation and impact: a team that introduced a new idea, process, or treatment to benefit others
  • Patients’ choice: for providing excellent care or patient experience
  • WeBelong: collectively endeavour to eliminate discrimination and inequality
  • WeImprove: a team achieving a significant improvement in its service.
  • BHH winner clinic rescheduling team

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    Living our values (team)

    The industrial action this year has resulted in the cancellation and rebooking of 1000s of appointments and operations. In these exceptional circumstances, the clinic rescheduling teams have been professional and compassionate.

  • BHH 24 winner Ramon Rillera

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    Living our values (individual)

    Ramon Rillera’s attention to detail means that time critical procedures are not delayed, reducing the need for patients to have a life-limiting amputation. He carries out his work with complete humility and devotion.

  • BHH winner Flavio Severgnini

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner


    Flavio Severgnini possesses excellent leadership skills, taking personal responsibility for making tough decisions that benefit patients. 

  • BHH 24 winner 10th floor long waiter care team

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner


    The 10th floor corridor long waiter care team at The Royal London worked tirelessly to get the people of east London booked, seen and treated, prioritising those who had waited for more than two years. They’ve done this with good humour, real dedication, and by using imaginative and innovative ideas to help clear the backlog.

  • BHH winner Ruquyya Vankad

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    Rising star

    Ruquyya Vankad often reaches out to families in her own time to provide bereavement support. One patient said: "I can't express how much she has helped during my dad’s death – easing the process for us at such a difficult time.  I can not thank her enough."

  • BHH 24 winner Faraday Ward

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    Innovation and impact

    The Faraday ward at Whipps Cross Hospital improve patient flow by approaching each patient individually and escalating issues in a timely manner. They work as one big family who laugh – and cry – together. 

  • BHH 24 winner Jen Mather

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    People's choice

    A patient was made homeless due to a housefire, with the added tragedy of the death of a family friend in the fire. Jen Mather supported the patient with her warmth and compassion.  

  • BHH winners Ward 5d wellbeing champions

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner


    St Bartholomew's ward 5D wellbeing champions made a difference to staff wellbeing by holding 'Multicultural Mondays' where everyone celebrates the beauty of the diversity on the ward. It’s great to see everyone come together, sit, chat, laugh and enjoy each other’s company.

  • BHH 24 winner Fatima Begum

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    Patients' choice (individual)

    Fatima Begum consistently strives for the best for deaf children and their families in Tower Hamlets. She arranges access to a wealth of support and activities – from walking groups to theatre trips and even delivering foodpacks to families. Her open discussion of her own experiences parenting a deaf child has really helped other parents be open and supportive of each other.

  • BHH type 1 diabetes team winner

    Barts Health Heroes 2024 winner

    Patients' choice (team)

    "The Newham diabetes team is the best medical team that has ever looked after my husband. I don't know how we would have coped without them.

    "Because of this team, we are able to live our lives with considerably less worry and concern that such an intrusive condition might otherwise impose. We are truly grateful to them."

  • Barts Charity winner Sutheth Sivapalaratnam

    Barts Charity 2024 winner

    Individual champion

    Suthesh Sivapalaratnam showed tremendous support to the Charity and particularly the Barts900 campaign, nurturing relationships with potential donors to maximize campaign support.

  • Barts Charity winner Everyday Impact

    Barts Charity 2024 winner

    Team champion

    The Everyday Impact Advisory Panel were instrumental in advising and promoting everyday impact applications within the hospitals. Going above and beyond to review applications and have quickly become a group the Charity rely on for advice.

  • Barts Charity winner Nikhil Cascone

    Barts Charity 2024 winner

    Fundraising champion

    Nikhil Cascone secured his own place in the London Marathon 2023, but kindly chose to support and actively promote Barts Charity with ambitious fundraising. It's not easy training and fundraising whilst also working full-time as a consultant ophthalmologist.

Meet our heroes

Meet our Barts Health Heroes

They go above and beyond, living our values and doing extraordinary things.

BHH film collection

Donate to our charity

Donate to our charity

And support our heroes

Barts Health Heroes is generously funded by our dedicated Barts Charity.

Make a donation today