Media enquiries
We welcome requests from the media
During office hours (9am — 5pm) the press office can be contacted on 020 7480 4893 or by email
The press office is responsible for media relations on behalf of Barts Health NHS Trust including patients transferred from under the care of London's Air Ambulance, also known as Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS).

How to contact us
Outside office hours, at weekends and bank holidays, the on-call Barts Health press officer will deal with urgent media enquiries relating to any Barts Health NHS Trust hospital.
The duty press officer can be contacted on 07711 389 104 or via the switchboard on 020 7377 7000. Please note this is for media enquiries only.
For all patient queries, please contact our switchboard on 020 7377 7000, or find the service you are looking for here.

Filming and photography requests
We receive many requests for documentary and location filming.
All requests for interviews with patients or staff, and any filming or photography at our hospitals need to be directed to the Press Office in the first instance, and should not be carried out without our approval.
Email your proposal for filming to us and include the following information:
- Name and organisation
- Production working title
- Delivery format
- Target audience
- Duration
- When it will be shown/whether it has been commissioned
Protecting our people

Protecting our people
We put our patients and colleagues first.
Filming or photography that may be obstructing us from providing care to our patients will not be permitted.
No patients or staff should be filmed or photographed without the proper consent, even if done from outside of our hospitals.
Patient condition checks should be referred to the press office on the numbers above. Please note that with requests for patient information, the press office first needs to seek consent from the patient/relatives. Without consent, no patient information can be disclosed.