A message from our Chief Midwife, Gloria Rowland | Our news

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A message from our Chief Midwife, Gloria Rowland

Gloria Rowland

2020 is the ‘International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife’ (YONM) and excitingly, 5 May marks ‘The International Day of the Midwife’ and for me, it seems fitting now more than ever that we celebrate their brilliant contribution to #Teambartshealth and the entire NHS.

I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to all our midwives and support workers for all your fight and hard work during this extraordinary time. I also feel that it is appropriate to congratulate you all on adapting so beautifully to the constant changes that have occurred over the last couple of months. Your diligence does not go unnoticed and will continue to be recognised long after this pandemic. 

It has not been easy, but you have continued to uphold exceptional standards within our services to ensure new life is brought into the world safely. What you are doing is truly commendable and you should all be very proud.

On a more sombre note, pandemics are not without loss and I want to use this opportunity to acknowledge our beloved colleagues who have sadly passed away due to Covid-19 – they will continue to be missed dearly. To our colleagues who have lost loved ones, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your families at this difficult time.

Lastly, I would like to address the reports regarding the trend around a disproportionate amount of BAME staff dying due to Covid-19. For all those concerned, I want you to know that I and your leadership team are aware of this and are taking precautionary steps, based on the emerging trends but without understanding the reasons behind this, to ensure that BAME staff are comfortable at work and able to carry out their responsibilities safely. The Trust has shared a statement on the situation and more information on how we do this, and address any fears or anxiety being felt by staff will be shared with you as soon as they become available.

To our patients and the women of East London, a big thanks to you also. I want to appeal to all our expectant and new mums to continue using our services – do not be afraid to come in for your appointment and make sure you let us know if you have any concerns or want to discuss anything with us. We are always here to help and we remain committed to making sure you and your baby are safe.

For further information about our maternity services at this time, please refer to our maternity website page.

Please continue to look after yourself and your loved ones.

Happy International Day of the Midwife!



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