It was a fresh break for me: Abdus discusses Healthcare Horizons | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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It was a fresh break for me: Abdus discusses Healthcare Horizons

Abdus HH

We recently caught up with Abdus, who joined us through Healthcare Horizons and now works within one of our administration teams.

"It was a fresh break for me"

My name is Abdus Somi and I am 17 years old. I dropped out of sixth form to join Healthcare Horizons as I wasn't getting where I wanted to with sixth form. I didn't want to go to university so I felt like I was wasting my time at sixth form with something I wasn't happy doing. I was recommended Healthcare Horizons by a family member and upon reading through the website and the booklet on the website, it instantly caught my eye and I decided that this was what I wanted to get into. So I applied for healthcare horizons and after my initial interview they took me on and I was ecstatic. It was a fresh deserved break for me; a chance for something new and a foundation for my entry into the NHS especially with Barts Health. 

"It's impossible to pin one thing down as the best part of the programme"

It is impossible to pin one thing as the best part of Healthcare Horizons as everyday I was learning or doing something different. Some of the best parts, in my opinion, were: learning about Barts Health, all the values of the trust, gaining interview skills, receiving supporting statement guidance and much more. My biggest achievement would be being able to use the skills and support gained from the program and successfully gain a job most of which was down to Healthcare Horizons.

"I would highly recommend the programme to anyone thinking of applying"

After the programme ended, I applied successfully to an adminstration role. I now work with a team of administrators dealing with discharging patients who may have certain problems leading to their discharge such as finding a care home or shelters. I would highly recommend the Healthcare Horizons programme to anyone thinking of applying. Barts Health has an engaging and diverse community, dealing with people from all different backgrounds and stories. 


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