Joy Ongcachuy, OBE visits British Ambassador | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Joy Ongcachuy, OBE visits British Ambassador

Joy Ongcachuy was awarded an Officer of the British Empire on 29 December 2018. Following this, she was invited to the home of the British Ambassador of the Phillipines to discuss her award and her work. Joy told us about the day:
"Our visit at the Ambassador’s residence went well. I was accompanied by my husband and daughter on that day and we were honoured by the invitation. The Ambassador was a gentleman. He waited and greeted us on our arrival and welcome us to his residence. The Ambassador prepared some nibbles and we talked a bit about the award and my role at work. The residence was beautiful, according to the Ambassador it was newly refurbished. Overall, it was a pleasant experience and I was delighted to be invited."


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