Bil Sahota: Barts Health inspiring women | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Bil Sahota: Barts Health inspiring women

Bil is an Optical Services Clerk in the Eye Treatment Centre at Whipps Cross Hospital.

Bil says that she believes in God and when she was growing up she would pray and ask for help and guidance as she didn’t know what she wanted to be. She said that her dream was answered when she was given a job interview on her wedding anniversary at an opticians. She was offered the job an hour later and continued to work for the opticians for 17 years. She decided she wanted a change so applied for the job at Whipps Cross and has worked here for three years. Bil said that she enjoys working with lots of different people and disciplines and has great support from her team.

Bil commented that “An achievement for me is that I have never given up. I’ve pushed myself to be where I am today both with my health and my career. I have proved myself to both myself and others and I have implemented change. I have introduced processes that save time for the whole team.

“My Dad always told me that success is a journey not a destination. If you work hard and give your best, that is your reward. I now pass this message onto my children. My father came to England and suffered as he couldn’t speak English and I didn’t want my children to also struggle. I do believe that sometimes you will have to struggle in life to be comfortable and successful. There have been times that I felt I wanted to quit but my family wouldn’t let me. People now look to me for advice and I will always help my team because they help me.

“I train staff and I like to help others succeed. My goal is to be a brilliant Mum and work colleague and I enjoy being recognised for my successes. I would like to share positivity, enjoy the world and explore. I think everyone should practice mindfulness to relieve stress and be happy. People should speak up and take action and use their voice to express how they feel, you will receive support if you do this and will be able to support others.

"Most importantly, be kind, even if you are frustrated or upset.  Men and women should feel comfortable to express when they are upset. I want equal pay and opportunities for all, we may be different genders but we are all human. I have noticed that my sons are growing up in a more modern world that is more equal. Before, I didn’t know how to change a fuse because I thought this was a man’s job, but now I am self-teaching so that I can be equal. When I go back to India I realise that, in some parts, women are still not allowed to live their dreams. I want other cultures to believe in equality as we are all meant to be someone.

"Men should feel that they can speak up about personal issues as I know they often don’t do this because of the stereotype that they should be the ‘man of the house.’ I want this to change in the future so that the world is a fairer place for all.”


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