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Jamina and Ana are our heroes for August and September

Jamina Jacob and Ana Correia are Newham's Heroes of the Month for August and September

Jamina was nominated in recognition of her exceptional leadership and dedication creating a positive work environment for her team.

Jamina has worked for NHS for over 18 years, came over as an overseas nurse and with a few years became a Senior Nurse. She has been working as one of our longest band 7 nurses in the dept who i can say my colleagues and i will agree she always find ways to make all staff feel less pressured in our jobs and making the dept run smoothly. She boosts the team and gives us advise. She is someone you can go to when you need support.  she is valued member of our team and is an amazing nurse who is a true leader. When the dept needs management cover Jamina is there to cover. she is a exceptional member of staff, the passion she has for the job is what makes her incredible person to work with. She deserves a token of appreciation for all the hours of hard work she has put in. It has been a pleasure to work with her. 

Ana was nominated by a patient for being an excellent communicator. 

Ana is an excellent communicator, who explains complex concepts in a concise and comprehensible manner. She has an immense understanding of her area of expertise, and in turn relays this understanding to the patient. I genuinely believe that I am getting great results when going to see Ana.

Congratulations Jamina and Ana!

Know someone who's made a difference? Why not nominate them for a Hero of the month award.

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