Advancing the ODP profession | News from St Bartholomew's

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Advancing the ODP profession

We suport the progression of our operating department pracitioners.

Congratulations to Stephen Vaughan, an operating department practitioner (ODP) at St Bartholomew’s Hospital who has successfully completed his Master of Science in Practice Education at Barts Hospital. 

“It was a tremendous amount of work. Achieving a master’s degree while juggling life, heavily called upon my determination, hard work, and tenacity. I am also grateful for the support of my research supervisors and my family,” Stephen said. 

National ODP Day occurs on 14 May each year to celebrate all operating department practitioners and students for the vital role that they play in healthcare. 

Working alongside the surgery team through managing the preparations of operating theatres, ODP’s provide high standards of skilled care, supporting each phase of a patient’s operation, including anaesthetic, surgery and recovery.   

“ODP’s are usually esteemed nationally for their adaptability within the workforce. This is evident by their transferrable technical skills within perioperative care and other acute areas across the region.  

“However, it is important that ODPs do not restrict themselves to technical skills within restricted areas of practice. This role is in demand in perioperative areas, and currently NHS England are driving nationwide ODP Workforce Action Group meetings, to address the barriers ODP’s face in career development, and encourage them to challenge themselves to advance their profession beyond its present limit,” he added. 

Barts Hospital has allowed Stephen to expand his scope of practice as an ODP. Notably, he would be the first ODP to have gained an MA in Education at this hospital. 

“With this expanded scope of practice, I hope to consolidate and implement my knowledge and understanding of research, evaluation design and associated methods of enquiry towards quality patient care within the broader context.” 


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  1. Arun Panabaka Monday, 15 May 2023 at 10:54 AM

    You are a Rockstar!
    Congratulations Stephen.

  2. Emily Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 08:27 PM

    Proud to be part of your team Stephen in Perioperative Education.

  3. Aswathy Dileep Tuesday, 6 June 2023 at 04:53 PM

    Congratulations Stephen

  4. Catherine Zulu Wednesday, 21 June 2023 at 11:07 AM

    Congratulations Stephen, really proud of your achievement! Sky is the limit.

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