Call for views on separate pay spine for nurses | Our news

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Call for views on separate pay spine for nurses

A new consultation has opened to seek views on whether nursing staff should be paid on a separate pay spine.

During last year's pay negotiations, concerns were raised about how the agenda for change (AfC) pay structure is affecting the career progression and professional development of nurses, and the direct impact that this is having on recruitment and retention.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) suggested that a new pay spine for nurses, separate to the current pay arrangements used for the rest of the AfC workforce, could address concerns with career progression and professional development of nurses.

The government is now seeking views and evidence from everyone to consider the benefits and challenges of a separate pay spine for nursing staff, and to explore other potential approaches to supporting the career progression and professional development of nurses.

This call for evidence is open to everyone. You can respond:

  • as an individual member of the health and care workforce
  • as an individual that is not a member of the health and care workforce

You will be asked a different set of questions depending on your role as a respondent.

The consultation closes at 11.59pm on 4 April 2024. You can respond by completing the online survey.


AfC was introduced in 2004 and applies to all members of the non-medical workforce that are directly employed by NHS organisations (apart from very senior managers).



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  1. Satvinder Channa Monday, 4 March 2024 at 12:28 PM

    Yes I believe nurses should be rewarded and be able to live in the city they work in . Surely in these cities we need nurses and their contributions

  2. Colin George Monday, 4 March 2024 at 01:09 PM

    I am not conversant with pay scales in the NHS, but I do think nurses in view of their training and responsibilities should have their own pay spine. And it should reflection a progression in their skills.

  3. LeaSuwanna Griffith Sunday, 17 March 2024 at 02:38 PM

    This is where the gender pay gap has been very reflective, there needs to be a major upheaval of the pay for nurses to actively show their training, responsibilities and increase as their skills progress.

  4. Ernest Tawiah Monday, 18 March 2024 at 09:24 AM

    I feel, all the health workforce ought to have their own pay spine in particular those who faces the patients directly. Also, those at the lower part of the workforce may require a very good and a special pay spine in other to help boost staff retention by encouraging progression. The logic behind my statement is that every member of the health workforce has a starting point within the National Health Service however, no member of the workforce could claim to have an absolute completion. Thank You.

  5. Alice Moyo Saturday, 30 March 2024 at 02:30 PM

    I would support the nurse's review of rate of pay according to skills and experience, its clearly unfair to pay an experienced nurse same rate of pay with a newly qualified nurse who is dependent on experienced nurse. This is in view of bankpartners rates.

  6. Emily Campbell Monday, 5 August 2024 at 07:23 PM

    yes I believe that nursing should have a different spine scale. The education, the skill set, and the increasing role scope and responsibilities are unique to the profession and therefore should be separate from other NHS roles.

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