Celebrating outstanding nursing achievements | Our news

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Celebrating outstanding nursing achievements

On Friday, colleagues from across the Trust were recognised for their hard work, dedication and commitment to their profession and presented with the prestigious Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Awards.

The national awards, launched by Ruth May, chief officer for England, in 2019 has two categories – a silver award recognising major contributions to patients and the profession, for nurses and midwives and a gold award recognising lifetime achievements for nurses and midwives.

The winners of this year's CNO Awards:

Gold Award:

Kath Evans, director of children’s nursing, Barts Health

Kath And Tosh receiving an award

Kath Evans was recognised for her significant contributions in paediatrics and child health through research, education, clinical service, and leadership. Beyond her professional achievements, Kath is a social media influencer extraordinaire and an ultra runner who brings joy and positivity to her work.

Paula Allchorne, lead urology nurse, Barts Health


With two decades of experience in urology nursing, Paula Allchorne has revolutionised the Urology CNS service, earning national awards for her leadership in nurse-led clinics and organisational transformations. As the Chair of the European Association of Urology Nurses, Paula is dedicated to global collaboration in developing a world-wide education framework for urology nurses.

Silver Award:

Amina Osman and Tahmina Sayani, matrons, Whipps Cross Hospital

Winners Amina an Tahmina

Amina and Tahmina were nominated for their exceptional leadership in patient safety, addressing critical issues in the Acute Stroke Unit through innovative solutions like in-situ simulations. Their tireless efforts to continuously improve the quality of care provided and commitment to patient safety is truly commendable.

Tosh Denholm, matron, Barts Health

Tosh and Kath winners

For 103 years, nurses from the Royal London Hospital have laid a wreath at Edith Cavell’s memorial. For the last 23 years, Tosh has ensured that this tradition has continued.

Her commitment to keeping the legacy of the inspirational Edith Cavell alive is commendable. Tosh brings the history of nursing alive, showing us the differences as well as the constants in nursing over the years.

Patrick Williams, ward manager, Whipps Cross Hospital

Patrick winner

Patrick has shown exemplary leadership, especially during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic, leading his ward to achieve the Equitable Award at the esteemed Barts Health Heroes Awards Ceremony. His ability to inspire and unite his team has created a positive impact on patient outcomes and the healthcare environment.

The very special awards ceremony was held at Whipps Cross Hospital and awards presented in person by Jane Clegg, chief nurse for NHS London, Caroline Alexander CBE, group chief nursing officer and Dame Ruth May, chief nursing officer for England, who joined online.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for everything you do!


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