Every second counts: a special visit to our stroke team

Preventing hundreds of stroke patients from suffering serious damage to the brain
Our 24/7 mechanical thrombectomy service is the largest in the UK, saving hundreds of lives a year thanks to a minimally invasive procedure that removes blood clots from arteries within the brain.
Last Friday, we were thrilled to welcome Professor Chris Whitty, Professor Stephen Powis and Amanda Pritchard to The Royal London Hospital.
Together with our stroke team, they discussed how we can expand access to stroke care so more patients can receive this world-class treatment.
Amanda Pritchard, NHS chief executive officer, said of the service:
We know there have been challenges in achieving the speed of rollout we wanted to see – whether that’s workforce and training, estate and equipment, or getting the pathway right.
The HASU at Royal London is not without some of those challenges, but the impressive work they have been doing internally, as well as with partners in their stroke network like London Ambulance Service, means they are making excellent progress.
That approach - fixing what you can fix, even if you can’t fix everything – is one that typifies NHS staff.