New tool piloted to identify health inequalities  | Our news

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New tool piloted to identify health inequalities 

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A new tool is being piloted at Barts Health to provide a means of measuring the equity of our services. 

The pilot, which launched to select departments in April, involves trialling the new Outpatient Equity Dashboard which has been created by the Barts Business Intelligence Unit as part of the Trust’s Addressing Inequalities in Care Programme. The tool allows users to review access to different types of outpatient appointments and waiting times against several equity dimensions such as age, ethnicity, gender, and level of deprivation. 

Commenting on the pilot, Dr Sajeda Youssouf, renal consultant, said: 

Given the radical transformation occurring in the NHS, including the move to remote and video consultations, there is no better time to introduce tools that will help us improve access to care and equity in our services.

While the Trust has been reviewing equity of access, process, and outcomes of services since 2016, it has not had a tool that could be used across our groups of hospitals. The development of the dashboard has been accelerated by a few passionate clinicians who believed that some groups were struggling to access services. 

The renal department has already recognised several trends since the pilot launched.  

There are notable differences in some age groups, and differences for those living in areas of high deprivation when reviewing rates of missed renal appointments. Identifying inequities allows us to introduce interventions that meet the specific needs of the population we serve, and truly deliver equitable care,

said Dr Youssouf. 

Programme manager Kate Turner said:

Covid both highlighted and amplified health inequalities in the communities we serve. Improving health and health care requires a focus on equity — equity of access, treatments, and outcomes. This tool will help us to systematically identify opportunities to improve.

The tool is currently available to limited departments involved in the pilot which runs until the end of September 2022. A wider rollout to all departments at Barts Health is planned later in the year.

For more information about the pilot or the Outpatient Equity Dashboard contact Angela Kam


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