Revised rules on inpatient visiting | Our news

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Revised rules on inpatient visiting

We welcome visitors to inpatients in our hospitals, in line with the latest government guidance on managing Covid-19.

In principle each inpatient is allowed one visitor at a time; although each ward will have its own specific arrangements depending on circumstances. End-of-life patients will be able to have four visitors, each of whom will be required to take a lateral flow test beforehand.  

Our wards are implementing these changes gradually to ensure we roll them out in the most effective and safe way for our patients, their loved ones and our staff.

Visiting is still restricted in some areas, so please check the pages of the hospital you would like to visit for the latest guidance and visiting times.

All visitors are expected to follow our strict infection control rules - including wearing a surgical face mask, keeping your distance, and washing or disinfecting your hands regularly. You will be screened for symptoms before attending, and may be asked to take a lateral flow test too. If you are experiencing any symptoms, please do not attend the hospital.         

Please remember, our staff are very busy. They are working very hard to support visiting arrangements but you may not get a response from our wards or booking lines as quickly as you would like. However the team will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

The number of Covid cases is increasing again so our visitor guidance may change at short notice. We will update our website with the latest information, so please check before attending your appointment.

We also have other ways you can keep in touch with loved ones virtually:


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  1. eva rowe Friday, 25 June 2021 at 01:50 PM

    The idea of keeping in touch with loved ones virtually is a great initiative especially for patients with delirium and dementia. Helping Family Contact Centre during the peak made me realise even more the importance of emotional support from visitors. While our team supports 100% of "A message to your loved one", other clinicians need to inform visitors. Same issue with the ward ipads which also seem to have frequent problems of not working due to wifi? technical as well as human challenges?

  2. Leila Skye Friday, 25 June 2021 at 05:36 PM

    Great publication. Thank you

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