60 seconds with Faiza Sharif | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 seconds with Faiza Sharif

Faiza Sharif helped to accommodate the BBC as they spent three months following our staff to tell the story of the impact of knife injuries.

What is your role?

Arnold (on the left) is a charge nurse on 12D at The Royal London and has been working for Barts Health for the past 19 years with majority of that time in trauma. I'm a ward manager for 12D and have been working in trauma for nine years.

How were you involved with the BBC during their reporting?

Our role was to help facilitate the filming on the ward by working on opposite shifts to ensure that the patients, staff and visitors were well informed of the process and to ensure that any questions were answered appropriately. The day-to-day running of the ward was not affected during the filming periods.

Tell us about your experience treating patients with knife injuries?

Looking after patients with knife injuries has been enhanced since the introduction of the St Giles Trust service and we are now even more equipped to understand some of the very complex social aspects. This knowledge enables us to communicate better. It's always rewarding seeing patients discharged with a clear support plan.

Why do you think it’s important to educate the public about this issue?

We know it can be upsetting but it's vital that the public are made aware of these issues as prevention should be everyones priority.


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