Storks Needed! | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Storks Needed!

Collection of hand-knitted storks

The London Neonatal Transfer Service (NTS), based at The Royal London Hospital, is a dedicated service providing specialist transfer teams for critical and acutely ill babies (sometimes within hours of birth) between neonatal units within London and repatriating them from further afield. 

For nearly a year the team has tried to give every baby they transfer a hand-knitted stork. These have been knitted by members of the public all over the UK, and even from other countries. However, they constantly require the storks as they are referred over 2,000 babies for transfer per year. 

Please help them to continue to give each baby that travels with them a stork by sharing this appeal or even dusting off your own knitting needles and getting involved!

For more information, including knitting and crocheting patterns, please visit:



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