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Olu is our Hero of the Month

Olukola 'Olu' Sawywerr is Newham's Hero of the Month for July

Olu, a midwife, was nominated by a patient who said she was a 'true credit to the hospital and we are thankful that our paths crossed.'

She was respectful of my wife’s feelings and the pressure that she was under around feeding. Through her patience and help, my wife was able to breast feed successfully for the first time. Olu’s comfort, professionalism, and overriding concern for my wife as a person, rather than just a patient, was a highlight.

After meeting Olu and presenting her certificate, our CEO Simon Ashton said:

I'm incredibly proud to honour Olu as our Hero of the Month for July. Olu was nominated by one of her patients for her professionalism, patience and excellent post-natal care. She is a true credit to our team here at Newham Hospital.

Know someone who's made a difference? Why not nominate them for a Hero of the month award.

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