The Royal London Hospital listed in top 20 for organ donation | News from The Royal London

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The Royal London Hospital listed in top 20 for organ donation

New figures out today reveal that there were 17 patients who donated their organs after death at The Royal London Hospital last year, helping save or improve the lives of 4,532 people desperately in need of a transplant across the UK.

NHS Blood and Transplant and The Royal London Hospital have released the figures to mark the publication of the annual Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report showing that The Royal London Hospital was one of the top 20 donor hospitals in the UK last year.

The annual report shows deceased organ donation in the UK increased by 2% last year thanks to the continuing recovery of organ donation and transplant activity following the Covid-19 pandemic. 1,429 people in total donated their organs after death last year, including 17 at The Royal London Hospital.

Despite this, the number of people being listed for a transplant has increased, due to most being suspended during the height of the pandemic and, subsequently, others needing a transplant being added to the list. There are more than 7,000 people on the active waiting list and a further 3,822 temporarily suspended.

Tamara Vega, lead nurse for organ donation at The Royal London Hospital said:

"The ripple effect of organ and tissue donation will forever positively impact the lives of not only the recipients but also the grieving families and friends. The collaborative work of specialist nurses and clinical leads throughout Barts Health is the reason that we are in the top 20 hospitals nationwide. Thank you.

 “Please register your organ donation decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register. If you family know what you want to happen when you die, they are much more likely to honour that decision and make organ donation is a possibility.”

Find out more and register your decision by visiting NHS Organ Donor Register and share your decision with your family.

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