Better access to sexual health services | Our news

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Better access to sexual health services

New sexual health services which are giving East London's residents better access to contraceptive choices officially launched last week.

Last week's launch also saw the introduction of a brand new website for the service to give residents better access to sexual health advice, support and services. It helps people quickly find the right information, book appointments online and even order ‘test at home’ kits for sexually transmitted infections.

Representatives from across the boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Redbridge joined the celebrations at the new All East centre of excellence in Stratford, which is supported by conveniently located clinics throughout East London. Take a look at your nearest clinics

The services, provided by Barts Health NHS Trust, offer contraception choices in the same place as sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment. They also provide greater contraception choice including long-acting options such as implants and coils. 

Since the new service was first introduced earlier this year there has been a marked increase in people across all areas taking up long-acting contraception options.

Vanessa Apea, Barts Health consultant in sexual health and HIV said: “We’re delighted more people are being able to choose the right options for them. We’ve worked really hard to make our clinics as good as they can be and our new website helps make our All East services even easier to access.”

Chief Executive, Alwen Williams, paid a huge tribute to the effort and commitment of our sexual health staff, who worked tirelessly to win the contract and mobilise the new services over the last two years.

You can access the new website at


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