Cancer care: improving patient experience | Our news

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Cancer care: improving patient experience

What It Means To Us (WIMTU) has launched to improve the experience of care of people with cancer.

WIMTU are a group of passionate like-minded people who all share the main aim of improving the experience of care that people with cancer have at Newham Hospital.

WIMTU is made up of patients who have previously had cancer care at Barts Health, patients who are currently undergoing their cancer treatment and members of staff including the Newham Macmillan manager, a clinical nurse specialist and the patient experience lead for cancer.

WIMTU ensures teams are reflecting everyone’s experiences and views which in turn will influence the work that we do and the decisions we take to shape the future of cancer care.

Everyone has something to offer.

These ideas, skills and expertise will help to inform and steer the work of our group.

What you need to know

The group meet on a monthly basis via Microsoft Teams. We meet virtually for an hour and a half on a Tuesday afternoon on the last Tuesday of the month. If you are interested but do not have access to a computer you can join via telephone also.

Alternatively if you just want to share your experience of care at Barts Health email Melanie on

A cancer nurse specialist at Barts Health NHS Trust said:

"The Patient Panel is important to our CNS team as it helps us get an insight from people who really understand what it is like to go on a cancer journey. The patient panel members will have inside knowledge about what help we could provide that would truly make a difference to them. It is also lovely to see people supporting each other and making the world a kinder place".

If you have or are currently under going care for cancer at Barts Health or you are a carer of someone with cancer and you are interested in making a difference to the future of cancer care please contact Colsum: or Melanie


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