Eight-year-old Tymon changed the lives of five people through organ donation | Our news

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Eight-year-old Tymon changed the lives of five people through organ donation

Tymon - organ donation

When 8-year-old Tymon’s parents were told he sadly wasn’t getting better, they were faced with a difficult decision. Ultimately, they knew Tymon would want to do anything he could to help others.

Mum Magda discusses their choice to donate Tymon’s organs to help others - a legacy to the selfless and caring person that he was.

“Tymon was a free spirit and loved being outside with nature. He loved to travel and was a great companion. After he became unwell and he received a second scan we knew that he wouldn’t get better, so I asked the question on organ donation.   

“I am registered as an organ donor, but to make that decision for your own child is a completely different matter and not one you ever expect to have to make. Learning that Tymon was deteriorating and that his health wouldn’t improve, we knew that without hesitation, Tymon would want to help someone else if he knew he still could.     

“As parents, we didn’t want other people to have to be in our situation. There is always a parent out there living in fear that their child may not make it. Although it was an extremely difficult and painful situation, we know it was the right one.”  

During the process, Magda says she was kept informed and received ‘total honesty’ and support from the team.    

“The family liaison nurse was with us constantly. Every question we had was answered, and all our wishes respected. Every bit of Tymon’s treatment, and every part of the procedure, were properly explained to us.    

“We were informed of any additional examinations that might need to take place and were asked what we wanted after. We decided we wanted him to return to the ward so that we would be able to say our final goodbyes.   

“I was impressed by the total care, honesty and respect that the staff always maintained. The staff were wonderful throughout the whole experience, and even dressed him in his favourite clothes for when he returned to the ward for us to say our goodbyes.  

“Some people spend years waiting for a donor match, so knowing that there are some people among us who have a chance to get better thanks to Tymon consoles us most days, and it is exactly the kind of legacy he would like to leave.” 

In total, Tymon donated five organs which have gone on to help save the lives of people in desperate need of organ transplants.

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