#WhatNursesWear - Jess speaks out and raises thousands for Barts Charity | Our news

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#WhatNursesWear - Jess speaks out and raises thousands for Barts Charity

Senior Sister Jess Anderson ran the London Marathon in an incredible 3.08.22 last weekend, beating the World Record for the fastest time running in a nurse's outfit.

Now this week she is an international media star and has smashed her fundraising targets for Barts Charity.

This weekend saw major news coverage with an audience of over 349 million in support of Jess’ attempt to have Guinness Book of Records overturn their decision that scrubs did not meet the London Marathon criteria of a ‘nurse uniform’.

The hashtag #WhatNursesWear was trending in England over the weekend, as people took to social media in support of Jess.

Jess gave interviews to ITV’s Good Morning Britain and BBC radio. Newspaper coverage included major national and overseas newspapers such as the Telegraph, the Sun and the New York Times. Trade media including the Nursing Standard also covered the news.

The Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England also supported Jess' campaign.

The Guinness World Records has since replied: "Our guidelines for running a marathon in a nurse’s uniform were out of date and reflected a stereotype we do not wish to perpetuate. For that we apologise.

"We have now awarded Jessica Anderson the record for fastest marathon wearing a nurse’s uniform."

Congratulations Jess!

Here is the link if you would like to donate to the Just Giving page, all profits of which go towards Barts Charity.


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  1. Leny Koh Tuesday, 7 May 2019 at 04:08 PM

    Big congratulation Jess, didn't know that you can run that fast... Well done !!!

  2. Sheila Moore Saturday, 11 May 2019 at 12:38 AM

    Congratulations Jess, i didnt now one could run in a uniform. will try it next year.

  3. Gary Caughey Monday, 13 May 2019 at 03:48 PM

    Well done! So glad they reviewed the outdate rules and you got your GWR.

  4. Raj Samraj Tuesday, 14 May 2019 at 04:19 PM

    Way to go Jess, this is excellent news and many thanks for supporting Barts Charity

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