Whipps Cross given go ahead for new car park | Our news

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Whipps Cross given go ahead for new car park

Car park massing

The Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England have approved the outline business case for phase two of the enabling works for the redevelopment of Whipps Cross Hospital. These works include the construction of a new 500-space multi-storey car park, which must be completed before building of the new hospital itself can begin.

Responding to the decision, Whipps Cross Redevelopment Director Alastair Finney said:

This is excellent news and an important milestone towards delivering a new Whipps Cross Hospital for staff and for the people of north east London.

We now want to make progress as quickly as possible. We have already begun the process for procuring a construction partner to carry out the works and we expect to have identified a preferred contractor by this Autumn.

We can now begin the process of finalising the full business case for phase two of the enabling works. This includes agreement of the final cost of the works and securing the funding from the Department of Health and Social Care to deliver them. Subject to national approvals, we anticipate that work will begin on site in early 2024.” 

Plans for the new car park at Whpps Cross Hospital




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  1. Edward KinsellaPerks Wednesday, 30 August 2023 at 11:57 AM

    Will the parking be free? or at least managed in house?

  2. Tim Sunday, 3 September 2023 at 06:31 PM

    How high is the car park? Can a scale birds eye schematic be added so the exact juxtaposition of the car park can be seen?

  3. Jane Corless Monday, 4 September 2023 at 12:14 PM

    Are the other car parks being kept? If so, which ones? Is this for staff only, patients/visitors or a mix?

  4. Praveen Tawar Monday, 11 September 2023 at 12:55 PM

    As far as my understanding its going to be a 4-5 storey building for car park (blue colour) on the map, it will be mixed use as all the other car park ground will be used for hospital building and remaining will be flats in future.
    anyone knows what the orange building is for?

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