Paediatric respiratory

Overview of our service

Conditions we investigate or treat

  • Cystic fibrosis 
  • Wheezing disorders including difficult to treat asthma 
  • Persistent cough 
  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) and other bronchiectasis 
  • Recurrent lung infection 
  • Lung disease from other conditions (e.g. sickle cell, cerebral palsy) 
  • Immunodeficiency 
  • Congenital lung abnormality 
  • Airway problems 
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea and other sleep-disordered breathing problems (including sleep studies) 
  • Obesity hypoventilation syndrome 
  • Non-invasive ventilation and tracheostomy 
  • Aspiration lung disease 

Services we offer

  • Sleep study 
  • Home oximetry 
  • Bronchoscopy 
  • Induced sputum 
  • Spirometry 
  • Exercise testing 
  • Fitness to fly testing 
  • Allergy testing (for respiratory allergens only) 
  • Oesophageal pH-Impedance study 
  • Obesity investigation 
  • Swallow assessment 
  • Exhaled nitric oxide testing 
  • Nasal nitric oxide testing (for PCD) 
  • Sweat testing (for CF) 
  • Inhaler technique training 
  • Asthma education 
  • Respiratory physiotherapy 
  • Complex lung function

Information for professionals

Most respiratory conditions can be managed in the community. Where referral is required to our services, specific criteria apply to some services.

  • Most cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are picked up via the newborn screening pathway; other strongly suspected CF patients will be seen urgently in the general respiratory clinic following telephone discussion (bleep 1042 via switchboard).
  • The Metabolic obesity clinic can only accept children with BMI >3.5 z-score above the mean; this can be assessed by this UK-WHO growth chart app. These are seen by Dr Gin Peh in general paediatrics unless there are respiratory concerns.
  • External sweat test requests must come from secondary care.
  • Sleep study requests must come from secondary care.
  • The asthma clinic accepts children uncontrolled at BTS step 3 or who have evidence of poor control with salbutamol overuse, x1 hospital admission, or x2 ED attendance or oral steroid course in two years.
  • The difficult asthma service accepts referrals from secondary care; suitable patients will have been admitted to ICU or required IV bronchodilator recently, or are uncontrolled at BTS step 3-4.

Professor Grigg is based at the Blizard Institute of Queen Mary University of London, conducting basic and clinical research on children’s lung health. He supervises research fellows and specialises in preschool wheeze and pollution research. Many of our junior medical staff and consultants have done research degrees at the Blizard Institute and Professor Grigg encourages approaches from interested candidates.

Through our involvement with the organisations such as the MCRN, the PCRN, the CLAHRC, the The CF Trust and AUKCAR we offer our families opportunities to benefit from involvement in clinical research such as the WAITTORPEDO-CFCHILD-EU, and UK-ESPE studies, as well as trials of novel CF therapies.

The ongoing ACACIA study examines asthma control in children in Africa.

Education and training

The respiratory team has established many courses and training sessions to cover a wide range of topics in the field of respiratory medicine and lung function testing.

Aimed at both primary and secondary care professionals, we offer the following courses:

If there are courses you are interested in but are not listed, please contact Faiza Khan.

Children's Environmental Health Clinic

The air we breathe can have a large impact on our health.

This can affect multiple parts of the body and exposure to air pollution can cause and contribute to a wide range of medical problems. 

Some members of society are more vulnerable to exposure than others, like children whose lungs are still developing, and those with pre-existing breathing conditions. 

The Barts Charity Environmental Health Clinic sees children with known breathing issues, such as asthma. The clinic reviews the effects of breathing poor quality air by combining health information with measurements of how much air pollution a child is exposed to at home, when travelling and at school. We then provide families with strategies to reduce the effects of air pollution on their health.

Environmental health clinics and research

The Children’s Environmental Clinic is based in the outpatient department of the Children’s Hospital in the Royal London Hopsital. Our team also perform environmental assessments within the homes of our patients.

We take part in a wide range of national and international research studies supported by our clinical research nursing team. We also have clinical academics within the environmental health team who are based at the Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, on the Whitechapel site.

Meet the environmental health clinical team

  • Prof Jonathan Grigg, professor of paediatric respiratory and environmental medicine and paediatric respiratory consultant 
  • Dr Abigail WhiteHouse, senior clinical lecturer in children's environmental health and honorary consultant in paediatric respiratory medicine
  • Dr Charlie Moorcroft, clinical research fellow and paediatric registrar

For all appointment enquires please contact our patient care coordinator, Naa Arne, on 020 3594 2474. 

For clinical enquiries please email the clinical team.

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Improving hospital experiences for young people is their passion and they welcome new members. 

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