Whipps Cross antenatal care

We offer a range of options in the community and hospital
Use our online form to refer yourself to our maternity team
Antenatal self referral form Whipps Cross hospital [docx] 186KB
Please complete the online form and one of our team will get in touch with you in five working days. You could also choose to fill out the paper version, which you can either hand in to our antenatal clinic reception or email us.
You can also ask your GP to refer you to us but this may take longer.
You will be offered a booking appointment with a midwife, where we will find out more about you and your new pregnancy and ensure you have received an appointment for your first scan.
For all of your antenatal enquiries
Maternity helpline (27 hours a day, 7 days a week): 020 7767 3348
Caseloading team: 07798 532 421
Emerald team: 07725 217 013
Diamond team: 020 7767 3348
Opal team: 020 7767 3348
Topaz t eam: 07925 376 611
Ruby team: 07526 187 311
Perinatal mental health specialist: 020 7767 3348
Our community midwifery teams provide care across Redbridge and Waltham Forest.
We use the continuity of carer model with the aim of ensuring that you receive dedicated support throughout your pregnancy, and after your birth, from the same team.
The emerald team midwives are based at Whipps Cross Community Hub and antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at:
The team covers E4, E18, IG8 and part of IG7.
The diamond team midwives are based at the Whipps Cross maternity hub and antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at:
The team covers parts of Waltham Forest, Redbridge, E10 and E11.
The homebirth team provide continuity of carer support from your booking appointment, right through to after your birth. These appointments are carried out in your own home for your convenience.
If you have additional risk factors such as multiple pregnancies, you will be offered appointments to see the hospital midwives in the antenatal clinic.
The opal team midwives are based at Whipps Cross Community Hub and antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at:
The opal team covers parts of Redbridge (IG1, IG2, IG4, IG5 and IG6).
The topaz team midwives are based at Whipps Cross Community Hub and antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at:
The team covers parts of Waltham Forest (E17). Each community midwifery team provides cover for the homebirth service.
The ruby specialist team midwives are based in the antenatal clinic at Whipps Cross Hospital. The team cares for pregnant women and people with complex factors and aims to empower and support them throughout their pregnancy into parenthood. They liaise with other multi-agency professionals to ensure that families are supported and have positive outcomes.
Our screening team is responsible for running the six antenatal and newborn screening programmes.
The team is based in the antenatal clinic.
Phone us (24 hours, 7 days a week): 020 7767 3348
To give you more information about screening tests for you and your baby, Public Health England have produced a booklet explaining the screening tests in detail.
The screening timeline explains which screening tests will be offered during your pregnancy and after your baby is born.
Since 1 February 2023, our hospital’s Antenatal and Newborn screening team offers a sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) service for pregnant women, people and their families who are receiving antenatal care at Whipps Cross.
Day to day, the screening team offers the opportunity for all pregnant women and people to find out if they are a carrier of the sickle cell or thalassaemia gene and the likelihood of passing it on to their baby. Women or couples who carry the gene are offered specialist counselling and care.
Our obstetric ultrasound scanning unit is located in the antenatal clinic. There are five dedicated scan rooms and our team is made up of seven sonographers including midwife sonographers.
Scan appointments are offered Monday to Saturday at Whipps Cross Hospital. You may be offered additional scans for uterine artery doppler screening, scans to check your baby is growing well, and scans to recheck where your placenta is.
At your routine scan appointment, we can arrange for a photo to be printed.
Our fetal medicine unit team is made up of four consultants and a specialist midwife. We offer individualised care to you and your family when there is a concern about the health of your unborn baby.
The FMU diagnoses and manages:
The FMU clinics take place in our scanning unit which is in the antenatal clinic, with clinics every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
We offer a host of online and in-person antenatal classes and workshops, including specific support groups for Black, Asian and minority ethnic families.
Events are run by our expert teams and range from support for breastfeeding, to open days and our popular birth and beyond course for expectant mothers and partners.
Check dates and book your place
Please read all the details in the event descriptions, choose your preferred option and book only ONE ticket for ONE course, even if joining in with your partner.
Our courses are very popular so if you can no longer attend a session please cancel your ticket to ensure a space is available for all families. New dates are added regularly for future courses.