Meet nurse Kristy: Supporting young people with cancer

My name is Kristy Cody and I am the lead clinical nurse specialist for young people age 16 to 24 diagnosed with cancer.
All young people age 16 to 18 are treated for their cancer at UCLH. All those age 18 to their 25th birthday have a choice of where their cancer care is delivered, UCLH or here at Barts Health. I can help the young person to make an informed choice.
At UCLH treatment is delivered in designated spaces for teenagers and young adults. I will support them to access their local hospital within Barts health for supportive care if needed and liaise with UCLH while they are here with us.
If they choose to have their treatment at Barts Health, I will refer and discuss all young people on the TYA MDT at UCLH, which is the site of the North Thames TYA cancer network. The cancer network aims to ensure all young people have access to fertility options, tumour banking, clinical trials and whole genome sequencing. I will ensure the teams here are supported to deliver care tailored to the specific needs of this age group on older adult wards. The mainstay of their cancer treatment will be delivered at St Barts, but again supportive care may be given at the other three hospitals. I will ensure that they are well supported and liaise with their primary treatment team at St Barts.

I am always around to visit to provide some company and support in an age appropriate manner. These patients can be much younger than the majority on the ward which means they can sometimes feel overwhelmed and stand out. I also support the clinical teams with age specific teaching and training. I provide links to relevant external partners such as Young Lives versus Cancer social workers and our dedicated outreach Youth Support Co-ordinator.
I would be happy for anyone in the trust to contact me if they meet anyone age 16-24 with a cancer diagnosis so that I can help in any way possible. I cover all tumour group across all four hospitals.
I would be happy for anyone in the trust to contact me if they meet anyone age 16-24 with a cancer diagnosis so that I can help in any way possible. I cover all tumour group across all four hospitals.
Contact me on: 07821 666628 or email me.